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    Usa "false report" in una frase

    false report frasi di esempio

    false report

    1. He must be able to mystify his officers and men by false reports and appearances, and thus keep them in total ignorance

    2. 1 Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the wicked to be

    3. When split-brain patients are given such tests, the left hemisphere generates many false reports

    4. I had filed a false report to law authorities

    5. However, it was one of my greatest disappointments to get a false report of gross misconduct about one of my very loyal workers

    6. “Yes with a false report, but later we figured that they weren’t even out yet, he was just lying orders of Samantha of course

    7. making a false report to police

    8. point to note that false reports such as the one police believe Rogers

    9. You must have received a false report, or you have gone mad

    10. The media was circulating false reports that Brookfield’s four office buildings next to the World Trade Center were not stable and about to collapse, even though engineers had already concluded they were structurally sound

    11. This sort of fatal rumor is the usual accompaniment of civil wars, and it was a false report of this kind which, later on, produced the catastrophe of the Rue Transnonain

    12. Sensormatic, a high flyer of the 1980s was seemingly targeted by short sellers who, according to company reports, harassed customers with aggressive calls and spread false reports about the health hazards of the companies antitheft devices

    13. False reports of all kinds were then circulated

    14. According to him the "ouriadnik" had made a false report

    15. The usurper spoke truth; but, according to the duty imposed on me by my oath, I assured him it was a false report, and that Orenburg was amply victualled

    16. But the natural and honorable sentiments of national honor and patriotism are so exaggerated, and the public opinion of one nation so excited against another, that it is enough for a statement to be made (even though it may be a false report) that the ambassador of one state was not received by the principal personage of another state to cause the outbreak of the most awful and destructive war there has ever been seen

    17. Not long ago a young man became a Christian, and his friends, not satisfied with abusing and jeering at him, wrote a false report to his parents in China, telling them that their son in California not only had forsaken his old religion and the worshipping of his ancestors, but also had cut off his long queue and dressed in foreigner’s clothes

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